Supersize your Sponsorship!

Thinking about how you can maximise your sponsorship for a Great Athletes event? Here’s some good news and some tips…

Over 95% of schools receive a voucher for their share of the sponsorship money to spend on new sports equipment to promote physical activity in school, and we very much hope your school will be one of them!

We work with two of the countryʼs largest primary school equipment suppliers with a whole catalogue of items to choose from and everything you need to support physical activity in your school. No matter what your sports needs are at your school, we’ve got something to help! With the right sports equipment, your school can create a culture of health and wellness that encourages children to stay active and engaged in school.

We hope your event will create memories to last a lifetime, and leave a legacy to promote physical activity and encourage every child to lead a more active and healthy lifestyle.

Parents want to donate to their school

There is a perception that parents don’t want to be asked to sponsor their children, a perception heightened by the cost-of-living challenges many people have faced. Our experience is quite the opposite!

We have consistently seen a rise in sponsorship, particularly in areas typically thought to be economically worse off. This is because those parents who have a bit of money are even more keen to support their local communities and schools – they know how much schools need it.

Don’t be afraid to ask:

On average, around 50% of pupils’ extended families will sponsor their children and donate to their school either online or offline, a number that has grown in recent years. This is where you come in:

  • Ask parents to share their fundraising pages with their friends and family – using online sponsorship makes this so easy and simple, donations are just a few clicks away.
  • Ask local businesses and parents’ businesses for support – you would be surprised how many local businesses (small and large) have a budget set aside for local initiatives. What a great piece of PR for them to be seen to be supporting the children of your school.
  • Keep an eye out for our instructions and email templates for asking local businesses – we’ve done all the hard work for you!
So why are parents so keen to donate; how does it help the community?
  • Friends and family enjoy supporting the children and can see they are making a difference
  • Improves parental engagement with the school as they feel invested in the outcome
  • Local businesses are more likely to hear about the event when parents are involved
What do teachers have to say about sponsorship?

“As a school, we recognise the importance of physical education inspiring all of our pupils to excel in a happy and healthy lifestyle. The success of this event was an incredibly proud moment for the school, and we are so thankful to everyone who joined together to make it as successful as it was.”

Watch a video testimonial here.