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Great Athletes joins Fundraising Standards Board

The Fundraising Standards Board (FRSB) is the independent self-regulatory scheme for fundraising in the UK. FRSB support their members by helping them to meet or exceed fundraising best practise. Members of the public are protected by this membership since the FRSB ensure that all their members are accountable for their fundraising and are responsible in dealing with any concerns that may arise.


The high standards that Great Athletes have maintained and committed to following in the future are set by the Institute of Fundraising and are published as the Code of Fundraising Practise. The standards are based on thorough research within the fundraising industry and are continually informed and strengthened by the feedback that the public provide.

The FRSB tick is a mark of trust and credibility – it shows that we really care about our supporters”, said our Chief Sportivater, Michael Ledzion.

Our funding scheme is designed to be a triple win, by helping schools raise money for new PE equipment, supporting the country’s top international athletes and running inspirational events at no financial risk to the schools involved. This scheme relies on those participating in the event just trying their best to raise as much money as they can.

Michael added, “Our membership to FRSB means that sponsors can confidently support the events run by Great Athletes. This gives primary schools the opportunity to invest in new PE equipment and helps children across the UK to be inspired by our country’s top athletes always to try their best, believe in themselves and work hard at everything they do”.

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