Inspire the whole school with an athlete visit

  • What will you get?
    A top GB athlete will visit your school and work with each class to complete a fun fitness challenge. The athlete will then deliver an inspiring assembly to the whole school with a talk, demo and Q&A.
  • How much will it cost?
    Visits do not cost the school anything. They are designed to help schools raise money to support greater physical activity and well-being for children. The events are based on a sponsorship initiative . From the grand total of the money raised, a small participation fee is deducted to cover the base cost of running the scheme. The rest of the money is split 60/40. 60% goes to the school to spend on new sports equipment or on a programme to improve physical activity and well being. 40% goes to Great Athletes to help fund the athletes and the scheme.
  • Who are Great Athletes?
    Great Athletes is a social enterprise that brings the country’s top athletes to primary schools to run energetic events that inspire kids to be more active and pursue their goals. We have been visiting schools for over 16 years and have inspired over 2.5 million children to date.
  • How can I book a visit for my school?
    Simply fill in a few details in the bot below and we will get it all booked in for you. If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone, simply call one of the team on 01223 792200.

Watch this short video to find out more