Davies Sports team up with Great Athletes!

Davies Sports share the same passion with Great Athletes to improve physical health through more sports in schools, knowing that it develops confidence, social skills and teamwork, as well as significantly improving academic results. Davies Sports will be supplying the equipment voucher to the schools that raise money for PE Equipment through the Great Athletes scheme, as well as offering a 10% discount on future orders for 12 months after the event.

Beth Tarry, Marketing Manager for Davies Sports commented; “Fun and engaging physical activity in school is often the first step to a lifelong love of sport. That’s why we’re thrilled to be working with Great Athletes who not only provide inspiring events but also help schools fundraise to create a lasting legacy.  We’re proud that our equipment will play a part in developing social skills, academic achievement and get children more active.”

Michael Ledzion, Chief Sportivater of Great Athletes, said, “We’re delighted to be partnering with Davies Sports: together we’ll greatly enhance the value that schools receive from taking part in a Great Athletes event. More sports equipment for more schools to encourage more physical activity and continue the 2012 legacy. It’s all part of our ambition to put physical health on a par with academic excellence in schools – because it’s healthy, and improves children’s academic results.”

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