Archives for Month: February 2015

Grant Turner makes a Splash at Comberton Primary

The pupils at Comberton Primary were extremely excited to have Grant Turner, a GB swimming Olympic athlete visit their school. All the children got sponsored to take part in a fitness circuit with Grant to complete four exercises: spotty dogs, mountain climber, press ups and star jumps. They all worked really hard and really enjoyed themselves. Connor Pook said, “It was energising,” while Leah Ballard said, “It was challenging, but great fun!”

After all the children took part, Grant delivered an assembly to the children where he talked about his career and how he came to be an elite athlete. The children asked some thoughtful questions and discovered a lot about his lifestyle. He also spoke about how important it is to put 110% effort into everything we do so we achieve our dreams. Archie Middleton said that the talk was “inspirational”.

The money raised from the sponsored circuit will be split between the school and the charity Great Athletes who help up and coming athlete’s achieve their dreams. Comberton Primary will be spending their money on new sports equipment and also donating the rest to the Teenage Cancer Trust who are currently supporting an ex pupil of Comberton Primary. Read more…

Wow Factor hits Aylsham School

British gymnast Danny Lawrence, who has competed in European and World championships as well as the Commonwealth Games, visited St Michael’s Nursery and Infant School in Aylsham.

He led fitness circuits for 93 children aged four-seven before performing a floor routine in front of the school.

The money raised from the sponsored event will go towards new PE equipment for the school and sponsoring young British athletes.

Julie Barrett, PE subject leader, said: “We feel privileged about the visit. The children are excited.”

Kola kick starts the action at Anthony Roper’s

Every child in school took part in a fantastic and inspiring fitness challenge led by British and International Triple Jumper Kola Adedoyin.  Children performed four different activities which represented a small subset of the actual training exercises that such elite athletes would do in order to keep fit.  Kola and Sportivator Julian worked with the children to complete the fitness circuits, coaching and encouraging them as they went.

After break Kola led a whole school assembly where explained how he was first inspired to do sport while at primary school. His first main passions, as with many young boys, were football and basketball, but he soon realised he had the build and pace to become a triple jumper. He demonstrated several jumps and steps and then got children to have a go. Even some of the teachers were persuaded to try out some of the jumps! Read more…

Midfield make healthy choices with Rion

Rion Pierre is a GB 100m sprinter who has represented Great Britain and England in Commonwealth Games and a variety of top class sprinting events. He attended Midfield Primary School, alongside Sportivator Jules, to oversee the whole school being put through their paces with an Olympic style circuit of activities! He then took time to answer questions from the pupils in assembly as well as racing some of the children – and some of the staff!

The children had raised money for the event, with proud family members or friends sponsoring them for completing the activities on offer. At time of writing Midfield have raised an incredible £1040. This amazing contribution from everyone will achieve two things: Importantly it will allow the school to purchase new P.E equipment which will improve the quality of Physical Education and sports taught here. It will also be able to help fund Rion`s training regime in the hope that he can qualify for the Olympics in Rio next year!

“Rion’s positive attitude, work ethic, dedication and ability to overcome adversity have impacted greatly on us all and have taught us the benefits of an active lifestyle and healthy diet. We will strive to continue this at Midfield long into the future, starting with a dedicated Health week commencing on the 9th February 2015.” Read more…

Ready, Set, Rion!

Rion Pierre, who has represented Great Britain at the European Championships, has inspired pupils at The Folkestone Primary Academy with a special visit.

Rion, who has competed in a range of track events, led youngsters around a circuit and encouraged them to exercise more by showing them how to do star jumps, squats, push-ups and ski jumps. The 27-year-old – who was previously a Chelsea youth player before being stabbed – spoke about his career and his diet, as well as having to overcome a number of challenges.

Academy senior leader Emily Opstad said: “This was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. The pupils really engaged with the morning’s circuit activities and listened to the inspiring story Rion told in the assembly.”

The Hawkinge Gazette are also talking about it!

Kola lands firm footed in Wyvil

Wyvil School had a very special visit from track and field athlete Kola Adedoyin who competes in the Triple Jump for our ‘Great Athletes’ event.

The whole school participated in an athlete led fitness circuit followed by an exciting assembly where Kola shared his experiences as an athlete. The sponsored event raised money for new PE equipment for the school. Read more…