Exercise builds the brain

It makes sense when you think about how humans evolved. Scientists have now discovered that doing exercise causes the body to produce “growth factors” that grow brain cells. Over time, this means that people who exercise regularly can grow bigger, faster, and sharper brains, which also make you feel better.

Kids want to run!

Have you ever met a 7 year old who would prefer to walk when they could run? Well, this could be why, and they feel better for it!

The effects multiply over time

A study in Germany found that just doing 20 minutes of physical activity can speed up your brain by 20% (or more). By staying fit, a child can grow that to 40% or more.

How can you help?

We’ve compiled a list of tried and tested tips to help you incorporate more physical activity into your day and lessons. Simply pop your details in the form below and we’ll send them straight over.

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