1 million inspired kids

The word “million” is often used in the English language as a metaphor for a very large number. We say things like “not in a million years” or “you’re one in a million”.

A million is interesting because it’s HUGE.

We’re really excited to have done the sums and confirm that ONE MILLION children have completed a Great Athletes fitness circuit since 2006.


What is a million?

Getting a million of anything isn’t easy…for example:

  • A million seconds is 11.57 days
  • One million pennies stacked on top of another would make a tower nearly 1 mile high
  • One Olympic sized pool contains 1 million litres of water


How did we get to a million?

About 1,300 schools each year across the UK invite us in to run an fitness circuit and enjoy an inspiring assembly with a GB/Olympic athlete, reaching around 350,000 children. There are approximate 4.5 million primary school children in the UK and we’re ready to inspire the other 3.5 million.


What do we do with a million children?

Light hearted, fun-based physical exercise. All children love exercise (most can’t understand why you’d walk when you can run). The children encourage each other to complete the circuits, cheering along to music. They do exercises such as spotty dogs, leg drives and push ups alongside an elite GB athlete.


The next million…

The good news is, even though a million is HUGE, we’ve only just begun.

We want to put physical health on a par with mental health and academic achievement.

We strive to visit as many primary aged children as we can. We just want to inspire them to do more sport with the help of top athletes and help them to reap the benefits of physical activity.


Thanks a million

Thanks so much to everyone who has played a part in helping us to reach this amazing first million milestone.

To find out more about how you can help us reach the next million or even better… BE A PART of the NEXT MILLION, call us NOW on 01223 792200 (or email [email protected]) – we’d love to hear from you!


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